
We are Yael Ilan – Photographer, living in Jerusalem, and Tamar Lazarus, graphic designer, living in Ein Hod Artists Village.
For years both of us have wandered through the lanes and alleyways of the Old City of Jerusalem, enchanted, as if in a Fever, and in that time we have come to know well each of its four quarters: the Armenian, the Christian, the Jewish and the Muslim, and its colorful and exciting markets. We have touched, smelled, fondled and tasted its wares, and we have enjoyed its restaurants and coffee shops, hidden away in the labyrinth of its alleyways.
During each of these “expeditions” we of course collect treasures, gifts and experiences to take home with us.
Our markets in the Old City are full of exotic goods, colorful and charming in their simplicity, all of them seasoned with the scents of the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East.
Our store was conceived with the wish to share our common passion with others, to put on display the milk and honey that this country produces.
The source of most of our items is the Old City of Jerusalem, and many of the articles that we have chosen are the handiwork of local artists and artisans. All these have been produced from local materials and preserve the indigenous traditions that have been in existence for many generations. These are objects that could not have been created anywhere in the world except in the Holy Land.
JFB is not influenced by local politics and is intended to appeal to anyone who loves design, who loves authentic and original things – and to anyone who visited Israel and intended to do her (or his) shopping on the last day of the trip and didn’t have time … for anyone who has an idea and is looking for a friend in Jerusalem to help him act on it.
We will be happy to be that friend, your envoy in Jerusalem.
We believe in people.
We are in favor of the good and the simple things in life.
We love the Middle East.